1 | #include "PingPong.h"
2 | #include "ariba/utility/configuration/Configuration.h"
3 | #include "ariba/utility/visual/DddVis.h"
4 |
5 | #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
6 | #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
7 |
8 |
9 | using ariba::utility::Configuration;
10 | using namespace ariba;
11 |
12 | namespace ariba {
13 | namespace application {
14 | namespace pingpong {
15 |
16 | // logging
17 | use_logging_cpp( PingPong );
18 |
19 | // the service that the pingpong wants to use
20 | ServiceID PingPong::PINGPONG_SERVICEID = ServiceID( 111 );
21 |
22 | // construction
23 | PingPong::PingPong( string config) :
24 | node(),
25 | pingId( 0 ),
26 | config_file(config)
27 | {
28 | Timer::setInterval( 3000 );
29 | }
30 |
31 | // destruction
32 | PingPong::~PingPong() {
33 | }
34 |
35 | // implementation of the startup interface
36 | void PingPong::startup()
37 | {
38 | using boost::property_tree::ptree;
39 | using boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json;
40 |
41 | // set up logging
42 | logging_rootlevel_debug();
43 | logging_classlevel_debug(PingPong);
44 |
45 | logging_info( "[PINGPONG]\t starting up PingPong service ... " );
46 |
47 | // read config
48 | ptree config;
49 | try
50 | {
51 | read_json(config_file, config);
52 | }
53 | catch ( exception& e )
54 | {
55 | logging_warn("ERROR: Failed to read config file »" << config_file << "«: ");
56 | logging_warn(e.what());
57 | logging_warn("---> Using fallback config.");
58 |
59 | config.put("ariba.spovnet_name", "pingpong");
60 | }
61 |
62 | name = "TODO";
63 |
64 | // bind communication and node listener
65 | node.bind( this ); /*NodeListener*/
66 | node.bind( this, PingPong::PINGPONG_SERVICEID); /*CommunicationListener*/
67 |
68 | // connecting
69 | logging_debug( "connecting ... " );
70 |
71 | node.connect(config.get_child("ariba"));
72 |
73 | // ping pong started up...
74 | logging_info( "[PINGPONG]\t pingpong starting up with"
75 | << " [spovnetid " << node.getSpoVNetId().toString() << "]"
76 | << " and [nodeid " << node.getNodeId().toString() << "]" );
77 | }
78 |
79 | // implementation of the startup interface
80 | void PingPong::shutdown() {
81 |
82 | logging_info( "[PINGPONG]\t pingpong service starting shutdown sequence ..." );
83 |
84 | // stop timer
85 | Timer::stop();
86 |
87 | // leave spovnet
88 | node.leave();
89 |
90 | // unbind communication and node listener
91 | node.unbind( this ); /*NodeListener*/
92 | node.unbind( this, PingPong::PINGPONG_SERVICEID ); /*CommunicationListener*/
93 |
94 | // now we are completely shut down
95 | logging_info( "pingpong service shut down" );
96 | }
97 |
98 | // timer event
99 | void PingPong::eventFunction() {
100 |
101 | if ( node.getNeighborNodes().size() == 0)
102 | {
103 | logging_info( "[PINGPONG]\t +++ no neighbors +++" );
104 | return;
105 | }
106 |
107 | // we ping all nodes that are known in the overlay structure
108 | // this can be all nodes (OneHop) overlay or just some neighbors
109 | // in case of a Chord or Kademlia structure
110 |
111 | // in this sample we use auto-links: we just send out our message
112 | // to the node and the link is established automatically. for more
113 | // control we would use the node->establishLink function to create
114 | // a link and start using the link in the CommunicationListener::onLinkUp
115 | // function that is implemented further down in PingPong::onLinkUp
116 |
117 | pingId++;
118 | // logging_info( endl << "#################" << endl
119 | logging_info( endl << "|||||||||| >>>>>>>>>>" << endl
120 | << "[PINGPONG]\t PINGING overlay neighbors with ping id " << pingId );
121 | PingPongMessage pingmsg( pingId, name );
122 |
123 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
124 | // Option 1: get all neighboring nodes and send the message to each
125 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
126 | counter++;
127 | if (counter<0 || counter>4) {
128 | counter = 0;
129 | string s;
130 | for (int i=0; i<names.size();i++) {
131 | if (i!=0) s+= ", ";
132 | s = s+names[i];
133 | }
134 | logging_info("[PINGPONG]\t ----> I am " << name << " and I know " << s);
135 | names.clear();
136 | }
137 |
138 | vector<NodeID> nodes = node.getNeighborNodes();
139 | BOOST_FOREACH( NodeID nid, nodes ){
140 | logging_info( "[PINGPONG]\t sending ping message to " << nid.toString() );
141 | node.sendMessage( pingmsg, nid, PingPong::PINGPONG_SERVICEID );
142 | }
143 |
144 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
145 | // Option 2: send a "broadcast message" that actually does the same thing
146 | // internally, gets all neighboring nodes and sends the message
147 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
148 | // node->sendBroadcastMessage( pingmsg, PingPong::PINGPONG_SERVICEID );
149 | }
150 |
151 | void PingPong::onJoinCompleted( const SpoVNetID& vid ) {
152 | logging_info( "pingpong node join completed, spovnetid=" << vid.toString() );
153 |
154 | // start the timer to ping every second
155 | Timer::start();
156 | }
157 |
158 | void PingPong::onJoinFailed( const SpoVNetID& vid ) {
159 | logging_error("pingpong node join failed, spovnetid=" << vid.toString() );
160 | }
161 |
162 | void PingPong::onLeaveCompleted( const SpoVNetID& vid ){
163 | logging_info("pingpong node leave completed, spovnetid=" << vid.toString() );
164 | }
165 |
166 | void PingPong::onLeaveFailed( const SpoVNetID& vid ){
167 | logging_error("pingpong node leave failed, spovnetid=" << vid.toString() );
168 | }
169 |
170 | void PingPong::onMessage(const DataMessage& msg, const NodeID& remote, const LinkID& lnk) {
171 | PingPongMessage* pingmsg = msg.getMessage()->convert<PingPongMessage> ();
172 | bool found=false;
173 | for (int i=0;i<names.size(); i++) if (names[i]==pingmsg->getName()) found=true;
174 | if (!found) names.push_back(pingmsg->getName());
175 | // logging_info( endl << "#################" << endl
176 | logging_info( endl << "<<<<<<<<<< ||||||||||" << endl
177 | << "[PINGPONG]\t RECEIVED ping message on link "
178 | << lnk.toString()
179 | << " " << (node.isLinkDirect(lnk) ? "[DIRECT-LINK]" : "[INDIRECT-LINK]")
180 | << " HopCount: " << node.getHopCount(lnk)
181 | << " from node " << remote.toString()
182 | << " (" << pingmsg->getName() << ")"
183 | << ": " << pingmsg->info() );
184 | delete pingmsg;
185 | }
186 |
187 | void PingPong::onLinkUp(const LinkID& lnk, const NodeID& remote){
188 | logging_info( "received link-up event for link " << lnk.toString()
189 | << " and node " << remote.toString() );
190 | }
191 |
192 | void PingPong::onLinkDown(const LinkID& lnk, const NodeID& remote){
193 | logging_info( "received link-down event for link " << lnk.toString()
194 | << " and node " << remote.toString() );
195 | }
196 |
197 | void PingPong::onLinkChanged(const LinkID& lnk, const NodeID& remote){
198 | logging_info( "link-changed event for link " << lnk.toString()
199 | << " and node " << remote.toString() );
200 | }
201 |
202 | bool PingPong::onLinkRequest(const NodeID& remote) {
203 | logging_info( "node " << remote.toString() << " wants to build up a link with us ... allowing" );
204 | return true;
205 | }
206 |
207 | void PingPong::onLinkFail(const LinkID& lnk, const NodeID& remote){
208 | logging_info( "received link-failed event for link " << lnk.toString()
209 | << " and node " << remote.toString() );
210 | }
211 |
212 | }}} // namespace ariba, application, pingpong