// [License] // The Ariba-Underlay Copyright // // Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Institute of Telematics, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) // // Institute of Telematics // Universität Karlsruhe (TH) // Zirkel 2, 76128 Karlsruhe // Germany // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE OF TELEMATICS ``AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ARIBA PROJECT OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation // are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing // official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Institute of // Telematics. // [License] #include "OneHop.h" #include "ariba/overlay/BaseOverlay.h" #include "ariba/overlay/modules/onehop/messages/OneHopMessage.h" #include "ariba/overlay/modules/onehop/messages/NodeListingRequest.h" #include "ariba/overlay/modules/onehop/messages/NodeListingReply.h" namespace ariba { namespace overlay { use_logging_cpp( OneHop ); OneHop::OneHop(BaseOverlay& _baseoverlay, const NodeID& _nodeid, OverlayStructureEvents* _eventsReceiver, const OverlayParameterSet& param) : OverlayInterface( _baseoverlay, _nodeid, _eventsReceiver, param ), state( OneHopStateInvalid ) { // // insert us as the first node in the overlay // overlayNodes.insert( make_pair(_nodeid, LinkID::UNSPECIFIED) ); Timer::setInterval(5000); Timer::start(); } OneHop::~OneHop(){ Timer::stop(); deleteOverlay(); } const EndpointDescriptor& OneHop::resolveNode(const NodeID& node){ OverlayNodeMapping::const_iterator i = overlayNodes.find( node ); if (i == overlayNodes.end()) return EndpointDescriptor::UNSPECIFIED(); const EndpointDescriptor& ep = baseoverlay.getEndpointDescriptor( i->second ); logging_debug( "resolved node " << node.toString() << " to endpoint " << ep.toString() ); return ep; } /// @see OverlayInterface.h bool OneHop::isClosestNodeTo( const NodeID& node ) { throw "NOT IMPLEMENTED!"; return false; } void OneHop::routeMessage(const NodeID& destnode, Message* msg){ // in the fullmesh overlay we know every other node // so we also have a link to each other node logging_debug( "routing message to node " << destnode.toString() ); // msg for ourselfs if(destnode == nodeid) baseoverlay.incomingRouteMessage( msg, LinkID::UNSPECIFIED, nodeid ); // msg for other node OverlayNodeMapping::const_iterator i = overlayNodes.find( destnode ); if (i == overlayNodes.end()) { logging_error( "not able to route message to node " << destnode.toString() ); return; } OneHopMessage onehopRoute( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeRoute ); onehopRoute.encapsulate(msg); baseoverlay.sendMessage( &onehopRoute, i->second ); } void OneHop::routeMessage(const NodeID& node, const LinkID& link, Message* msg) { OneHopMessage onehopRoute( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeRoute ); onehopRoute.encapsulate(msg); baseoverlay.sendMessage( &onehopRoute, link ); } /// @see OverlayInterface.h const LinkID& OneHop::getNextLinkId( const NodeID& id ) const { OverlayNodeMapping::const_iterator i = overlayNodes.find( id ); if (i == overlayNodes.end()) return LinkID::UNSPECIFIED; return i->second; } void OneHop::createOverlay() { // don't need to bootstrap against ourselfs. // the create and join process is completed now. logging_info( "creating onehop overlay structure" ); } void OneHop::deleteOverlay(){ logging_info( "deleting onehop overlay structure" ); state = OneHopStateInvalid; } OverlayInterface::NodeList OneHop::getKnownNodes(bool deep) const { OverlayInterface::NodeList retlist; OverlayNodeMapping::const_iterator i = overlayNodes.begin(); OverlayNodeMapping::const_iterator iend = overlayNodes.end(); for( ; i != iend; i++ ) retlist.push_back( i->first ); return retlist; } void OneHop::joinOverlay(const EndpointDescriptor& bootstrapEp){ logging_info( "joining onehop overlay structure through end-point " << (bootstrapEp.isUnspecified() ? "local" : bootstrapEp.toString()) ); if( bootstrapEp.isUnspecified() ){ // we are the initiator and we are to bootstrap against // ourselfs. in the onehop overlay this is not an issue // and we can just ignore this call. state = OneHopStateCompleted; } else { bootstrapLinks.push_back( baseoverlay.establishDirectLink( bootstrapEp, OverlayInterface::OVERLAY_SERVICE_ID ) ); } } void OneHop::leaveOverlay(){ logging_info( "leaving onehop overlay structure" ); // set the state to invalid, this will prevent from // handling onLinkDown events, as we are traversing the // overlayNodes map and the onLinkDown function is called // from the BaseOverlay and OneHop::onLinkDown will also // try to access the overlayNodes structure. state = OneHopStateInvalid; // // send leave messages to all nodes. the nodes // will then drop the links // OverlayNodeMapping::iterator i = overlayNodes.begin(); OverlayNodeMapping::iterator iend = overlayNodes.end(); for( ; i != iend; i++){ if( i->first != nodeid && i->second != LinkID::UNSPECIFIED ){ OneHopMessage msg (OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeLeave); baseoverlay.sendMessage( &msg, i->second ); } } } void OneHop::onLinkDown(const LinkID& lnk, const NodeID& remote){ // don't handle when we are in state-invalid, // see comment in OneHop::leaveOverlay if( state == OneHopStateInvalid ) return; // node went down, remove from overlay mapping logging_debug( "link " << lnk.toString() << " to node " << remote.toString() << " went down, removing node" ); OverlayNodeMapping::iterator i = overlayNodes.begin(); OverlayNodeMapping::iterator iend = overlayNodes.end(); for( ; i != iend; i++ ){ if( i->second == lnk ){ overlayNodes.erase( i ); break; } } vector::iterator it = std::find( bootstrapLinks.begin(), bootstrapLinks.end(), lnk ); if( it != bootstrapLinks.end() ) bootstrapLinks.erase( it ); } void OneHop::onLinkUp(const LinkID& lnk, const NodeID& remote){ logging_debug( "link is up, sending out node listing request" ); NodeListingRequest requestmsg; OneHopMessage onemsg( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeListingRequest ); onemsg.encapsulate( &requestmsg ); baseoverlay.sendMessage( &onemsg, lnk ); } void OneHop::onMessage(const DataMessage& msg, const NodeID& remote, const LinkID& lnk){ OneHopMessage* onemsg = msg.getMessage()->convert(); if( onemsg == NULL ) return; // // handle node listing request // if( onemsg->isType( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeListingRequest ) ){ //NodeListingRequest* request = onemsg->decapsulate(); logging_info( "onehop received node listing request from node " << remote.toString() ); // // first, insert the nodes and the link into our mapping // overlayNodes.insert( make_pair(remote, lnk) ); // // send back a message with all nodes // and their current EndpointDescriptor // OneHopMessage onehopReply( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeListingReply ); NodeListingReply listingReply; OverlayNodeMapping::iterator i = overlayNodes.begin(); OverlayNodeMapping::iterator iend = overlayNodes.end(); logging_debug( "sending out node listing reply with the following items" ); for( ; i != iend; i++ ){ const NodeID node = i->first; const LinkID link = i->second; const EndpointDescriptor& endpoint = baseoverlay.getEndpointDescriptor( link ); logging_debug( "node: " + node.toString() + ", endp: " + endpoint.toString()); listingReply.add( node, const_cast(new EndpointDescriptor(endpoint)) ); } onehopReply.encapsulate( &listingReply ); baseoverlay.sendMessage( &onehopReply, lnk ); // // now that we know the node, we can tell the baseoverlay // that the node has joined our overlay structure // eventsReceiver->onNodeJoin( remote ); } // OneHopMessageTypeListingRequest // // handle node listing reply // if( onemsg->isType( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeListingReply) ){ NodeListingReply* reply = onemsg->decapsulate(); logging_debug( "received node listing reply from node " << remote.toString() << " with all overlay nodes. connecting to all of them" ); // // get out all the EndpointDescriptors from the // overlay nodes and connect to all nodes where // we don't have a link yet // const NodeListingReply::NodeEndpointList& endpoints = reply->getList(); logging_debug( "received " << endpoints.size() << " nodes in listing" ); NodeListingReply::NodeEndpointList::const_iterator i = endpoints.begin(); NodeListingReply::NodeEndpointList::const_iterator iend = endpoints.end(); for( ; i != iend; i++ ){ // // don't connect to nodes that we already have // a link to and don't connect to ourself // const NodeID& node = (*i).first; if( overlayNodes.find(node) != overlayNodes.end() ) continue; if( node == nodeid ) continue; logging_debug( "building up link to node in overlay " << node.toString() ); const LinkID link = baseoverlay.establishDirectLink( *((*i).second), OverlayInterface::OVERLAY_SERVICE_ID ); overlayNodes.insert( make_pair(node, link) ); } // for( ; i != iend; i++ ) delete reply; } // OneHopMessageTypeListingReply // // handle node leaves // if( onemsg->isType(OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeLeave) ){ logging_debug("received leave message from " << remote.toString() << " on link " << lnk.toString()); // drop the link to the node baseoverlay.dropLink( lnk ); } // OneHopMessageTypeLeave // // handle kbr route messages // if( onemsg->isType( OneHopMessage::OneHopMessageTypeRoute) ){ logging_debug( "Route message arrived at destination node -> delegate to BaseOverlay" ); baseoverlay.incomingRouteMessage( onemsg, lnk, remote); } // OneHopMessageTypeRoute delete onemsg; } void OneHop::eventFunction(){ logging_debug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<first; const LinkID link = i->second; const EndpointDescriptor& endpoint = baseoverlay.getEndpointDescriptor( link ); logging_debug( "node: " << node.toString() << ", link_: " << link.toString() << ", endp: " << endpoint.toString()); } logging_debug(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>onehop-table>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } }} // namespace ariba, overlay