1 | #ifndef ENDPOINT_SET_HPP_
2 | #define ENDPOINT_SET_HPP_
3 |
4 | #include "addressing.hpp"
5 | #include "tcpip_endpoint.hpp"
6 |
7 | #include <sstream>
8 | #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
9 | #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
10 | #include <boost/thread.hpp>
11 |
12 | namespace ariba {
13 | namespace addressing {
14 |
15 | using boost::unordered_set;
16 |
17 | /**
18 | * This end-point set shelters known addresses of a device.
19 | * Transport protocols use this class to address devices.
20 | *
21 | * Example of a string representation:
22 | * "tcp{500|501};ip{};bluetooth{01:02:03:04:05:06};rfcomm{1234}"
23 | * Inside a address type specification, addresses are separated by a bar (|).
24 | *
25 | * @author Sebastian Mies <mies@tm.uka.de>
26 | */
27 | class endpoint_set {
28 | public:
29 | // layer 2
30 | unordered_set<mac_address> bluetooth;
31 |
32 | // layer 3
33 | unordered_set<ip_address> ip;
34 |
35 | // layer 4
36 | unordered_set<tcp_port_address> tcp;
37 | unordered_set<rfcomm_channel_address> rfcomm;
38 |
39 | // mutex
40 | boost::mutex io_mutex;
41 | typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock scoped_lock;
42 |
43 | private:
44 | template<uint8_t type, class V>
45 | size_t to_bytes_dynamic( const unordered_set<V>& set, uint8_t* bytes ) const {
46 | size_t size = 0;
47 | bytes[0] = type;
48 | uint8_t* size_ptr = bytes+1;
49 | bytes +=2;
50 | size += 2;
51 | BOOST_FOREACH( const V& value, set ) {
52 | bytes[0] = (uint8_t)value.to_bytes_size();
53 | bytes++;
54 | size++;
55 | value.to_bytes(bytes);
56 | bytes += value.to_bytes_size();
57 | size += value.to_bytes_size();
58 | }
59 | *size_ptr = size-2;
60 | return size;
61 | }
62 |
63 | template<class V>
64 | void from_bytes_dynamic( unordered_set<V>& set, const uint8_t* bytes, uint8_t size ) {
65 | size_t pos = 0;
66 | while (pos < size) {
67 | uint8_t length = bytes[0];
68 | bytes++; pos++;
69 | V obj(bytes,length);
70 | set.insert(obj);
71 | bytes+=length; pos+=length;
72 | }
73 | }
74 |
75 | template<uint8_t type, class V>
76 | size_t to_bytes_fixed( const unordered_set<V>& set, uint8_t* bytes ) const {
77 | size_t fixed_size = V().to_bytes_size();
78 | bytes[0] = type;
79 | bytes[1] = (uint8_t)(set.size()* fixed_size);
80 | bytes+=2;
81 | BOOST_FOREACH( const V& value, set ) {
82 | value.to_bytes(bytes);
83 | bytes += value.to_bytes_size();
84 | }
85 | return 2 + set.size() * fixed_size;
86 | }
87 |
88 | template<class V>
89 | void from_bytes_fixed( unordered_set<V>& set, const uint8_t* bytes, uint8_t size ) {
90 | size_t fixed_size = V().to_bytes_size();
91 | uint8_t num = size/fixed_size;
92 | for (uint8_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
93 | V obj(bytes, fixed_size);
94 | set.insert(obj);
95 | bytes += fixed_size;
96 | }
97 | }
98 |
99 | template<class V>
100 | std::string to_string_set( const unordered_set<V>& set, const std::string& type ) const {
101 | if (set.size()==0) return std::string("");
102 | std::ostringstream buf;
103 | buf << type << "{";
104 | bool first = true;
105 | BOOST_FOREACH( const V& value, set ) {
106 | if (!first) {
107 | buf << " | ";
108 | } else
109 | first = false;
110 | buf << value.to_string();
111 | }
112 | buf << "};";
113 | return buf.str();
114 | }
115 |
116 | static void trim(string& str) {
117 | string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
118 | if(pos != string::npos) {
119 | str.erase(pos + 1);
120 | pos = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
121 | if(pos != string::npos) str.erase(0, pos);
122 | }
123 | else str.erase(str.begin(), str.end());
124 | }
125 |
126 | static string::size_type skip( const char* chars, string::size_type pos, const std::string& str ) {
127 | bool found = true;
128 | while (pos<str.size() && found) {
129 | found = false;
130 | for (size_t i=0; chars[i]!=0 && !found; i++)
131 | if (str.at(pos)==chars[i]) {
132 | pos++;
133 | found = true;
134 | }
135 | }
136 | return pos;
137 | }
138 |
139 | template<class V>
140 | size_t from_string_set( unordered_set<V>& set, string::size_type pos, const std::string& str ) {
141 | while (pos < str.size() && pos != string::npos) {
142 | pos = skip("} |\n\r", pos, str);
143 | string::size_type nend1 = str.find('}',pos);
144 | string::size_type nend2 = str.find('|',pos);
145 | if (nend1==string::npos && nend2==string::npos) break;
146 | if (nend1==string::npos) nend1=str.size();
147 | if (nend2==string::npos) nend2=str.size();
148 | string::size_type nend = nend2 < nend1 ? nend2:nend1;
149 | std::string sub = str.substr(pos, min(nend2,nend1)-pos);
150 | trim(sub);
151 | // cout << sub << endl;
152 | V obj( sub );
153 | set.insert(obj);
154 | pos = nend+1;
155 | if (nend1<nend2) break;
156 | }
157 | return pos-1;
158 | }
159 |
160 | public:
161 | enum layers {
162 | Layer1 = 1, Layer2 = 2, Layer3 = 4, Layer4 = 8, Layer5 = 16,
163 | Layer6 = 32, Layer7 = 64, Layer8 = 128, NoLoopback = 256,AllLayers = ~0,
164 | Layer1_3 = Layer1|Layer2|Layer3,
165 | Layer1_4 = Layer1|Layer2|Layer3|Layer4,
166 | };
167 |
168 | endpoint_set() {
169 |
170 | }
171 |
172 | endpoint_set( const endpoint_set& copy ) :
173 | bluetooth(copy.bluetooth), ip(copy.ip), tcp(copy.tcp), rfcomm(copy.rfcomm) {
174 | }
175 |
176 | endpoint_set( const std::string& str ) {
177 | assign(str);
178 | }
179 |
180 | endpoint_set( const uint8_t* bytes, size_t size ) {
181 | assign(bytes, size);
182 | }
183 |
184 | /// adds an address or endpoint to this set
185 | void add( const address_v* address, int layers = AllLayers ) {
186 | scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
187 | if ( address->instanceof<tcpip_endpoint> () ) {
188 | const tcpip_endpoint& addr = *address;
189 | if (layers & Layer3 && !(layers & NoLoopback) && addr.address().is_loopback())
190 | ip.insert( addr.address() );
191 | if (layers & Layer4) tcp.insert( addr.port() );
192 | } else
193 | if ( address->instanceof<ip_address>() ) {
194 | const ip_address& addr = *address;
195 | if ((layers & Layer3) && !(layers & NoLoopback) && addr.is_loopback())
196 | ip.insert( addr );
197 | } else
198 | if (address->instanceof<rfcomm_endpoint>() ) {
199 | const rfcomm_endpoint& endp = *address;
200 | if (layers & Layer2) bluetooth.insert( endp.mac() );
201 | if (layers & Layer4) rfcomm.insert( endp.channel() );
202 | } else
203 | if (address->instanceof<mac_address>() ) {
204 | const mac_address& endp = *address;
205 | if (layers & Layer2) bluetooth.insert( endp );
206 | }
207 | }
208 |
209 | /// adds addresses from another endpoint set
210 | void add( const endpoint_set& eps, int layers = AllLayers ) {
211 | scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
212 |
213 | // merge layer 2 addresses
214 | if (layers & Layer2) {
215 | bluetooth.insert(eps.bluetooth.begin(), eps.bluetooth.end() );
216 | }
217 |
218 | // merge layer 3 addresses
219 | if (layers & Layer3) {
220 | ip.insert(eps.ip.begin(), eps.ip.end() );
221 | }
222 |
223 | // merge layer 4 addresses
224 | if (layers & Layer4) {
225 | tcp.insert(eps.tcp.begin(), eps.tcp.end() );
226 | rfcomm.insert(eps.rfcomm.begin(), eps.rfcomm.end() );
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | /// removes an address or endpoint from this set
231 | void remove( const address_vf address ) {
232 | scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
233 | if ( address->instanceof<tcpip_endpoint> () ) {
234 | const tcpip_endpoint& addr = *address;
235 | ip.erase( addr.address() );
236 | tcp.erase( addr.port() );
237 | } else
238 | if ( address->instanceof<ip_address>() ) {
239 | const ip_address& addr = *address;
240 | ip.erase( addr );
241 | } else
242 | if (address->instanceof<rfcomm_endpoint>() ) {
243 | const rfcomm_endpoint& endp = *address;
244 | bluetooth.erase( endp.mac() );
245 | rfcomm.erase( endp.channel() );
246 | }
247 | }
248 |
249 | /// checks whether two end-points are disjoint
250 | /// (only check lower level addresses)
251 | bool disjoint_to( const endpoint_set& set ) const {
252 | scoped_lock lock(const_cast<boost::mutex&>(io_mutex));
253 | BOOST_FOREACH( const mac_address& mac, bluetooth )
254 | if (set.bluetooth.count(mac) !=0 ) return false;
255 | BOOST_FOREACH( const ip_address& ip_, ip )
256 | if (set.ip.count(ip_) !=0 ) return false;
257 | return true;
258 | }
259 |
260 | bool intersects_with( const endpoint_set& set ) const {
261 | return !disjoint_to(set);
262 | }
263 |
264 | bool is_subset_of( const endpoint_set& set ) const {
265 | throw "Not implemented!";
266 | return false;
267 | }
268 |
269 | /// returns true, if this address has a fixed size in bytes
270 | bool is_bytes_size_static() const {
271 | return false;
272 | }
273 |
274 | /// returns the number of bytes used for serialization of this address
275 | size_t to_bytes_size() const {
276 | scoped_lock lock(const_cast<boost::mutex&>(io_mutex));
277 | size_t size = 0;
278 |
279 | // bluetooth mac list (layer 2)
280 | size += bluetooth.size() * mac_address().to_bytes_size();
281 |
282 | // ip list (layer 3)
283 | BOOST_FOREACH( const ip_address& ip_, ip )
284 | size += (ip_.to_bytes_size() + 1 /* =length */);
285 |
286 | // tcp ports (layer 4)
287 | size += tcp.size() * tcp_port_address().to_bytes_size();
288 |
289 | // bluetooth rfcomm channels (layer 4)
290 | size += rfcomm.size() * rfcomm_channel_address().to_bytes_size();
291 |
292 | // length/type encoding
293 | size += 4 /* number of items*/ * 2 /* length of type and length */;
294 |
295 | return size;
296 | }
297 |
298 | /// converts this address to a binary representation
299 | void to_bytes(uint8_t* bytes) const {
300 | scoped_lock lock(const_cast<boost::mutex&>(io_mutex));
301 |
302 | /// bluetooth mac list (layer 2)
303 | bytes += to_bytes_fixed<0x21, mac_address>( bluetooth, bytes );
304 |
305 | // ip list (layer 3)
306 | bytes += to_bytes_dynamic<0x31, ip_address>(ip, bytes);
307 |
308 | // tcp ports (layer 4)
309 | bytes += to_bytes_fixed<0x41, tcp_port_address>( tcp, bytes );
310 |
311 | // rfcomm channels (layer 4)
312 | bytes += to_bytes_fixed<0x42, rfcomm_channel_address>( rfcomm, bytes );
313 | }
314 |
315 | /// Assigns an address using a bunch of bytes
316 | bool assign(const uint8_t* bytes, size_t size) {
317 | scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
318 |
319 | size_t pos = 0;
320 | while (pos < size) {
321 | uint8_t type = bytes[0];
322 | uint8_t length = bytes[1];
323 | bytes+=2; pos+=2;
324 |
325 | switch (type) {
326 |
327 | // bluetooth mac
328 | case 0x21: {
329 | from_bytes_fixed<mac_address>( bluetooth, bytes, length );
330 | break;
331 | }
332 |
333 | // ip
334 | case 0x31: {
335 | from_bytes_dynamic<ip_address>( ip, bytes, length );
336 | break;
337 | }
338 | // tcp
339 | case 0x41: {
340 | from_bytes_fixed<tcp_port_address>( tcp, bytes, length );
341 | break;
342 | }
343 | // rfcomm
344 | case 0x42: {
345 | from_bytes_fixed<rfcomm_channel_address>( rfcomm, bytes, length );
346 | break;
347 | }
348 |
349 | default: {
350 | pos = size;
351 | break;
352 | }
353 | }
354 | bytes += length; pos+=length;
355 | }
356 | return false;
357 | }
358 |
359 | /// generates a string out of this endpoint-set
360 | std::string to_string() const {
361 | scoped_lock lock(const_cast<boost::mutex&>(io_mutex));
362 | std::string smac = to_string_set<mac_address>(bluetooth, "bluetooth");
363 | std::string sip = to_string_set<ip_address>(ip, "ip");
364 | std::string stcp = to_string_set<tcp_port_address>(tcp, "tcp");
365 | std::string srfcomm = to_string_set<rfcomm_channel_address>(rfcomm, "rfcomm");
366 | return smac+sip+stcp+srfcomm;
367 | }
368 |
369 | /// assigns an endpoint-set out of a string
370 | void assign( const std::string& str ) {
371 | scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
372 | string::size_type pos = 0;
373 | while (pos < str.size() && pos!=string::npos) {
374 | pos = skip("}; \n\r", pos, str );
375 | string::size_type nend = str.find('{',pos);
376 | if (nend == string::npos) break;
377 | std::string type = str.substr(pos,nend-pos);
378 | pos = nend+1;
379 | trim(type);
380 | if (type=="bluetooth")
381 | pos = from_string_set<mac_address>(bluetooth, pos, str );
382 | else if (type=="ip")
383 | pos = from_string_set<ip_address>(ip, pos, str );
384 | else if (type=="tcp")
385 | pos = from_string_set<tcp_port_address>(tcp, pos, str );
386 | else if (type=="rfcomm")
387 | pos = from_string_set<rfcomm_channel_address>(rfcomm, pos, str );
388 | else
389 | pos = str.find('}',pos);
390 | }
391 | }
392 |
393 | endpoint_set& operator=( const endpoint_set& rhs ) {
394 | scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
395 | this->bluetooth = rhs.bluetooth;
396 | this->ip = rhs.ip;
397 | this->rfcomm = rhs.rfcomm;
398 | this->tcp = rhs.tcp;
399 | }
400 |
401 | /// checks wheter the two endpoint sets are identical
402 | bool operator== ( const endpoint_set& rhs ) const {
403 | return (rhs.rfcomm == rfcomm && rhs.ip == ip && rhs.tcp == tcp &&
404 | rhs.bluetooth == bluetooth);
405 | }
406 |
407 | bool operator!= ( const endpoint_set& rhs ) const {
408 | return !(*this==rhs);
409 | }
410 | };
411 |
412 | }} // namespace ariba::addressing
413 |
414 | #endif /* ENDPOINT_SET_HPP_ */