1 | #include "rfcomm.hpp"
2 |
3 | #include "../asio/asio_io_service.h"
4 | #include "../asio/rfcomm.hpp"
5 | #include "../asio/bluetooth_endpoint.hpp"
6 |
7 | #include <boost/asio.hpp>
8 | #include <boost/thread.hpp>
9 | #include <boost/array.hpp>
10 | #include <memory.h>
11 | #include <deque>
12 | #include <cerrno>
13 |
14 | namespace ariba {
15 | namespace transport {
16 |
17 | use_logging_cpp(rfcomm)
18 |
19 | using namespace boost::asio;
20 | using namespace detail;
21 | using namespace std;
22 |
23 | using boost::system::error_code;
24 |
25 | class link_data {
26 | public:
27 | uint8_t size_[4];
28 | size_t size;
29 | uint8_t* buffer;
30 | };
31 |
32 | class link_info {
33 | public:
34 | link_info(io_service& io ) :
35 | up(false), local(), remote(), socket(io), connect_retries(0),
36 | size(0), buffer(NULL), sending(false) {
37 | }
38 |
39 | // state
40 | bool up;
41 | rfcomm_endpoint local, remote;
42 | bluetooth::rfcomm::socket socket;
43 | int connect_retries;
44 |
45 | // read buffer
46 | uint8_t size_[4];
47 | size_t size;
48 | uint8_t* buffer;
49 |
50 | // send buffer
51 | bool sending;
52 | boost::mutex mutex;
53 | std::deque<link_data> send_buffer;
54 | };
55 |
56 | void rfcomm::shutdown(link_info* info) {
57 | if (info != NULL && info->up) {
58 | info->up = false;
59 | info->socket.shutdown( bluetooth::rfcomm::socket::shutdown_both );
60 | }
61 | }
62 |
63 |
64 | inline bluetooth::rfcomm::endpoint convert( const rfcomm_endpoint& endpoint ) {
65 | return bluetooth::rfcomm::endpoint(
66 | endpoint.mac().bluetooth(), endpoint.channel().value()
67 | );
68 | }
69 |
70 | inline rfcomm_endpoint convert( const bluetooth::rfcomm::endpoint& endpoint ) {
71 | mac_address mac;
72 | mac.bluetooth( endpoint.address() );
73 | rfcomm_channel_address channel;
74 | channel.value( endpoint.channel() );
75 | return rfcomm_endpoint( mac, channel );
76 | }
77 |
78 |
79 | rfcomm::rfcomm(uint16_t channel) :
80 | channel(channel), io(asio_io_service::alloc()) {
81 | accept_retries = 0;
82 | }
83 |
84 | rfcomm::~rfcomm() {
85 | asio_io_service::free();
86 | }
87 |
88 | void rfcomm::start() {
89 |
90 | // start io service
91 | asio_io_service::start();
92 |
93 | // create acceptor
94 | logging_info( "Binding to channel " << channel );
95 | acceptor = new bluetooth::rfcomm::acceptor(io,
96 | bluetooth::rfcomm::endpoint(bluetooth::rfcomm::get(), channel )
97 | );
98 |
99 | send_data = new link_data();
100 |
101 | // start accepting
102 | start_accept();
103 | }
104 |
105 | void rfcomm::stop() {
106 | logging_info( "Stopping asio rfcomm" );
107 | }
108 |
109 | void rfcomm::send(const address_v* remote, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
110 |
111 | // get end-point
112 | rfcomm_endpoint endpoint = *remote;
113 | endpoint = convert(convert(endpoint));
114 |
115 | // try to find established connector
116 | logging_debug("Trying to find a already existing link.");
117 | link_info* info = NULL;
118 | for (size_t i = 0; i < links.size(); i++)
119 | if (links[i]->remote.mac() == endpoint.mac()) {
120 | logging_debug("Using already established link");
121 | info = links[i];
122 | break;
123 | }
124 |
125 | // not found, or not up? ->try to (re-)connect
126 | if (info==NULL || !info->up || info->socket.is_open() ) {
127 | logging_debug( "Connecting to " << endpoint.to_string() );
128 | if (info != NULL && (!info->up || !info->socket.is_open())) {
129 | logging_debug("Old link is down. Trying to re-establish link.");
130 | } else {
131 | info = new link_info(io);
132 | }
133 | info->connect_retries = 0;
134 | info->remote = endpoint;
135 | info->socket.async_connect( convert(endpoint), boost::bind(
136 | &rfcomm::handle_connect, this,
137 | boost::asio::placeholders::error, info
138 | ));
139 | asio_io_service::start();
140 | }
141 |
142 | // copy message
143 | link_data ldata;
144 | ldata.size = size;
145 | ldata.size_[0] = (size >> 24) & 0xFF;
146 | ldata.size_[1] = (size >> 16) & 0xFF;
147 | ldata.size_[2] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF;
148 | ldata.size_[3] = (size >> 0) & 0xFF;
149 | ldata.buffer = new uint8_t[size];
150 | memcpy(ldata.buffer, data, size);
151 |
152 | // enqueue message
153 | info->mutex.lock();
154 | info->send_buffer.push_back(ldata);
155 | info->mutex.unlock();
156 |
157 | // start writing
158 | start_write(info);
159 | }
160 |
161 | void rfcomm::send(const endpoint_set& endpoints, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
162 | // send a message to each combination of mac-address and channel
163 | BOOST_FOREACH( const mac_address mac, endpoints.bluetooth ) {
164 | BOOST_FOREACH( const rfcomm_channel_address channel, endpoints.rfcomm ) {
165 | rfcomm_endpoint endpoint(mac, channel);
166 | address_vf vf = endpoint;
167 | send(vf,data,size);
168 | }
169 | }
170 | }
171 |
172 | void rfcomm::terminate(const address_v* local, const address_v* remote) {
173 | // get end-point
174 | rfcomm_endpoint endpoint = *remote;
175 |
176 | for (size_t i = 0; i < links.size(); i++)
177 | if (links[i]->remote.mac() == endpoint.mac()) {
178 | // close socket
179 | shutdown(links[i]);
180 | break;
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | void rfcomm::register_listener(transport_listener* listener) {
185 | this->listener = listener;
186 | }
187 |
188 | void rfcomm::start_accept() {
189 |
190 | logging_info( "Waiting for connections ..." );
191 |
192 | // start accepting a connection
193 | link_info* info = new link_info(io);
194 | acceptor->async_accept(info->socket, boost::bind(
195 | // bind parameters
196 | &rfcomm::handle_accept, this,
197 |
198 | // handler parameters
199 | boost::asio::placeholders::error, info
200 | ));
201 | asio_io_service::start();
202 | }
203 |
204 | void rfcomm::handle_accept(const error_code& error, link_info* info) {
205 | if (error) {
206 | logging_error( "Error waiting for new connections. Error code: "<< error.message()
207 | << ", trying to recover (attempt " << accept_retries << ")");
208 |
209 | // restart accepting
210 | if (accept_retries<3) {
211 | accept_retries++;
212 | start_accept();
213 | } else
214 | delete info;
215 |
216 | return;
217 | }
218 |
219 | links_mutex.lock();
220 |
221 | // convert endpoints
222 | info->up = true;
223 | info->local = convert( info->socket.local_endpoint() );
224 | info->remote = convert( info->socket.remote_endpoint() );
225 |
226 | logging_debug("Accepted incoming connection from "
227 | << info->remote.to_string() );
228 |
229 | // add to list
230 | links.push_back(info);
231 | links_mutex.unlock();
232 |
233 | // start i/o
234 | start_read(info);
235 | start_write(info);
236 |
237 | // restart accept
238 | start_accept();
239 | }
240 |
241 | void rfcomm::handle_connect( const error_code& error, link_info* info ) {
242 | if (error) {
243 | logging_error( "Can not connect. Error code: "
244 | << error.message() << " Retrying ... "
245 | "(attempt " << info->connect_retries << ")" );
246 |
247 | // do we retry this connection? yes->
248 | if (info->connect_retries<3) {
249 | // increase counter
250 | info->connect_retries++;
251 |
252 | // retry connection attempt
253 | info->socket.async_connect( convert(info->remote), boost::bind(
254 | &rfcomm::handle_connect, this,
255 | boost::asio::placeholders::error, info
256 | ));
257 |
258 | } else { // no-> delete link and stop
259 | return;
260 | }
261 | }
262 |
263 | // convert endpoints
264 | info->up = true;
265 | info->local = convert( info->socket.local_endpoint() );
266 | info->remote = convert( info->socket.remote_endpoint() );
267 |
268 | logging_debug( "Connected to " << info->remote.to_string() );
269 |
270 | // add to list
271 | links_mutex.lock();
272 | links.push_back(info);
273 | links_mutex.unlock();
274 |
275 | // start i/o
276 | start_read(info);
277 | start_write(info);
278 | }
279 |
280 | void rfcomm::start_read(link_info* info) {
281 | // start read
282 | boost::asio::async_read(info->socket,
283 |
284 | // read size of packet
285 | boost::asio::buffer(info->size_, 4),
286 |
287 | // bind handler
288 | boost::bind(
289 |
290 | // bind parameters
291 | &rfcomm::handle_read_header, this,
292 |
293 | // handler parameters
294 | placeholders::error, placeholders::bytes_transferred, info
295 | )
296 | );
297 | }
298 |
299 | void rfcomm::handle_read_header(const error_code& error, size_t bytes,
300 | link_info* info) {
301 |
302 | // handle error
303 | if (error) {
304 | logging_error("Failed to receive message payload. Error code: "
305 | << error.message() );
306 | shutdown(info);
307 | return;
308 | }
309 |
310 | // ignore errors and wait for all data to be received
311 | if (bytes != 4) return;
312 |
313 | // get size
314 | info->size = (info->size_[0]<<24) + (info->size_[1] << 16) +
315 | (info->size_[2]<< 8) + (info->size_[3] << 0);
316 |
317 | logging_debug( "Message header received -> receive message of size " << info->size );
318 |
319 | // allocate buffer
320 | info->buffer = new uint8_t[info->size];
321 |
322 | // start read
323 | boost::asio::async_read(info->socket,
324 | // read size of packet
325 | boost::asio::buffer(info->buffer, info->size),
326 | // bind handler
327 | boost::bind(
328 | // bind parameters
329 | &rfcomm::handle_read_data, this,
330 | // handler parameters
331 | placeholders::error, placeholders::bytes_transferred, info
332 | )
333 | );
334 | }
335 |
336 | void rfcomm::handle_read_data(const error_code& error, size_t bytes,
337 | link_info* info) {
338 |
339 | // check error
340 | if (error) {
341 | logging_error("Failed to receive message payload. Error code: "
342 | << error.message() );
343 | shutdown(info);
344 | return;
345 | }
346 |
347 | // wait for all data to be received
348 | if (bytes != info->size)
349 | return;
350 |
351 | logging_debug( "Received message of size " << info->size );
352 |
353 | // deliver data
354 | listener->receive_message(this, info->local, info->remote, info->buffer, info->size );
355 |
356 | // free buffers and reset size buffer
357 | delete [] info->buffer;
358 | for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) info->size_[i] = 0;
359 |
360 | start_read(info);
361 | }
362 |
363 | void rfcomm::start_write( link_info* info ) {
364 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock(info->mutex);
365 |
366 | // do not start writing if sending is in progress
367 | if (info->sending || !info->up || info->send_buffer.size()==0) return;
368 |
369 | logging_debug("Sending messages ...");
370 |
371 | // safely remove data from deque
372 | *send_data = info->send_buffer.front();
373 | info->send_buffer.pop_front();
374 |
375 | boost::array<boost::asio::mutable_buffer, 2> buffer;
376 | buffer[0] = boost::asio::buffer(send_data->size_,4);
377 | buffer[1] = boost::asio::buffer(send_data->buffer,send_data->size);
378 |
379 | // start writing
380 | boost::asio::async_write(info->socket,
381 | // read size of packet
382 | buffer,
383 | // bind handler
384 | boost::bind(
385 | // bind parameters
386 | &rfcomm::handle_write_data, this,
387 | // handler parameters
388 | placeholders::error, placeholders::bytes_transferred,
389 | info, send_data->size, send_data->buffer
390 | )
391 | );
392 | }
393 |
394 | void rfcomm::handle_write_data(const error_code& error, size_t bytes,
395 | link_info* info, size_t size, uint8_t* buffer ) {
396 |
397 | // handle error
398 | if (error) {
399 | logging_error( "Message sent error. Error code: "<< error.message() );
400 | shutdown(info);
401 | return;
402 | }
403 |
404 | // wait for all data to be sent
405 | if (bytes != (size+4) )
406 | return;
407 |
408 | logging_debug( "Message sent" );
409 |
410 | // free buffer
411 | delete [] buffer;
412 |
413 | // restart-write
414 | start_write(info);
415 | }
416 |
417 | }} // namespace ariba::transport