/// ----------------------------------------*- mode: C++; -*-- /// @file logfile.h /// Implementation of a logging stream /// ---------------------------------------------------------- /// $Id: logfile.h 2549 2007-04-02 22:17:37Z bless $ /// $HeadURL: https://svn.ipv6.tm.uka.de/nsis/protlib/trunk/include/logfile.h $ // =========================================================== // // Copyright (C) 2005-2007, all rights reserved by // - Institute of Telematics, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) // // More information and contact: // https://projekte.tm.uka.de/trac/NSIS // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // =========================================================== #ifndef _logfile_h_ #define _logfile_h_ //#define _NO_LOGGING #include // file stream #include #include #include #include #include // sprintf #include // getpid #include "protlib_types.h" namespace protlib { using namespace std; /** @addtogroup protlib * @{ */ namespace log { static const pthread_mutex_t initlogmutex= #ifdef PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; #else PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #endif #undef ERROR_LOG #undef WARNING_LOG #undef EVENT_LOG #undef INFO_LOG #undef DEBUG_LOG #undef LOG_TYPES #undef LOG_ALL #undef LOG_EMERG #undef LOG_ALERT #undef LOG_CRIT #undef LOG_NORMAL #undef LOG_UNIMP enum logclass_t { ERROR_LOG= 0x10, WARNING_LOG= 0x20, EVENT_LOG= 0x30, INFO_LOG= 0x40, DEBUG_LOG= 0x50, EVERY_LOG= 0xF0, LOG_TYPES= 5 }; enum loglevel_t { LOG_EMERG= 0, LOG_ALERT= 1, LOG_CRIT= 2, LOG_NORMAL= 4, LOG_UNIMP= 8, LOG_ALL= 15 }; // colors enum color_t { clear, bold_on, italics_on, underline_on, inverse_on, strikethrough_on, bold_off, italics_off, underline_off, inverse_off, strikethrough_off, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, fg_default, bg_black, bg_red, bg_green, bg_yellow, bg_blue, bg_magenta, bg_cyan, bg_white, bg_default, num_colors, off=0}; extern const char* color[]; extern const char *const ANSIcolorcode[]; #define ERRLog(mname, logstring) Log(ERROR_LOG, LOG_NORMAL, mname, logstring) #define ERRCLog(mname, logstring) Log(ERROR_LOG, LOG_CRIT, mname, logstring) #define EVLog(mname, logstring) Log(EVENT_LOG, LOG_NORMAL, mname, logstring) #define WLog(mname, logstring) Log(WARNING_LOG, LOG_NORMAL, mname, logstring) #define ILog(mname, logstring) Log(INFO_LOG, LOG_NORMAL, mname, logstring) #define DLog(mname, logstring) Log(DEBUG_LOG, LOG_NORMAL, mname, logstring) #ifndef _NO_LOGGING // Log(lclass, llevel, mname, logstring) // lclass: logclass, llevel: severitylevel, mname: module or methodname, // logstring: things to log in stream notation #define Log(lclass, llevel, mname, logstring) do { \ if ( protlib::log::DefaultLog.should_log(lclass, llevel) ) { \ using protlib::log::DefaultLog; \ DefaultLog.logstart(lclass, llevel, mname) << logstring; \ DefaultLog.logend(); \ } \ } while ( false ) #define LogS(lclass, llevel, mname, logstring) do { \ if ( protlib::log::DefaultLog.should_log(lclass, llevel) ) { \ protlib::log::DefaultLog.logstart(lclass, llevel, mname, \ __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) << logstring; \ protlib::log::DefaultLog.logend(); \ } \ } while ( false ) #else #define Log(logclass, loglevel, mname, logstring) #define LogS(logclass, loglevel, mname, logstring) #endif class logfile { private: ostream* logstream; pthread_mutex_t logmutex; unsigned char logfilter[LOG_TYPES]; bool usecolors; bool quiet_start; const char* timenow(); public: logfile(const char* filename="", bool usecolors= true, bool quietstart=false); ~logfile(); bool set_dest(const char* filename, bool quiet=false); void set_filter(logclass_t logclass, uint8 severitylevel); bool should_log(logclass_t logclass, loglevel_t severitylevel); ostream& logstart(logclass_t logclass, loglevel_t severity_level, const string& modname, const char* file="", const char* func="", int line=0); void coloron() { usecolors=true; for (int i= 0; i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** LOG START *** >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" // << color[off] << endl; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&logmutex); } } inline logfile::~logfile() { if (logstream) { pthread_mutex_lock(&logmutex); if ( ! quiet_start ) // (*logstream) << color[blue] << timenow() << '[' << getpid() // << "] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *** LOG STOP *** <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" // << color[off] << endl; pthread_mutex_unlock(&logmutex); // destroy mutex pthread_mutex_destroy(&logmutex); // delete if allocated stream if (logstream!= &cout) delete logstream; logstream= 0; } } inline void logfile::set_filter(logclass_t logclass, uint8 severity_level) { uint8 logclass_index= (logclass>>4)-1; if (logclass_index < LOG_TYPES) logfilter[logclass_index]= severity_level; } inline bool logfile::should_log(logclass_t logclass, loglevel_t severity_level) { return severity_level <= logfilter[(logclass>>4)-1]; } /** * returns current time in static char array * @return pointer to static character array that contains current time */ inline const char* logfile::timenow() { static time_t t; static struct timeval now; static char timestr[32]= ""; static char msecstr[6]; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); t= now.tv_sec; strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr)-sizeof(msecstr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", localtime(&t)); snprintf(msecstr,sizeof(msecstr),"%03lu",now.tv_usec/1000UL); strcat(timestr,msecstr); return timestr; } inline void logfile::logend() { if (logstream) { (*logstream) << color[off] << endl; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&logmutex); } extern logfile& DefaultLog; //@} } // end namespace log } // end namespace protlib /** * returns current time in static char array * @return pointer to static character array that contains current time */ inline const char* log_timenow(char* module, char* event) { //static pthread_mutex_t timestampmutex= PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; //pthread_mutex_lock(×tampmutex); static time_t t; //static struct timeval now; static char timestr[128]= ""; //static char msecstr[8]; struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp); //gettimeofday(&now,NULL); t= tp.tv_sec; //bringing down the range to under 1 hour //write out microseconds //printf("%ld\n", tp.tv_nsec); //printf("%ld\n", t % 3600); sprintf(timestr, "%05ld%06ld - ", t % 3600, tp.tv_nsec/1000L); //snprintf(msecstr,sizeof(msecstr),"%06lu",tp.tv_nsec/1000000UL); strcat(timestr,module); strcat(timestr," - "); strcat(timestr,event); //pthread_mutex_unlock(×tampmutex); return timestr; } #endif