#include "tcpip.hpp" #define _NO_LOGGING // std includes #include #include #include #include #include // protlib includes #include "protlib/network_message.h" #include "protlib/tp_over_tcp.h" #include "protlib/tperror.h" #include "protlib/logfile.h" #include "protlib/queuemanager.h" #include "protlib/threadsafe_db.h" #include "protlib/setuid.h" // protlib namespaces using namespace protlib; using namespace protlib::log; logfile commonlog; protlib::log::logfile& protlib::log::DefaultLog(commonlog); namespace ariba { namespace transport { using namespace ariba::addressing; tcpip_endpoint convert( const appladdress* addr ) { const char* ip_str = addr->get_ip_str(); tcpip_endpoint endpoint( std::string(ip_str), addr->get_port() ); return endpoint; } appladdress convert( const tcpip_endpoint& endpoint ) { tcpip_endpoint* e = const_cast(&endpoint); appladdress peer(e->address().to_string().c_str(), "tcp", e->port().asio() ); // cout << endpoint.to_string() << " to " << peer.get_ip_str() << ":" << peer.get_port() << endl; return peer; } tcpip::tcpip( uint16_t port ) { this->done = false; this->running = false; this->port = port; this->listener = NULL; } tcpip::~tcpip() { if (running) stop(); } bool get_message_length( NetMsg& m, uint32& clen_bytes ) { clen_bytes = m.decode32(); m.set_pos_r(-4); return true; } void tcpip::start() { done = false; running = false; // initalize netdb and setuid protlib::tsdb::init(); protlib::setuid::init(); // set tcp parameters port_t port = this->port; // port TPoverTCPParam tppar(4, get_message_length, port); // create receiver thread FastQueue* tpchecker_fq = new FastQueue("TCPTransport", true); QueueManager::instance()->register_queue(tpchecker_fq, message::qaddr_signaling); // start thread pthread_create( &tpreceivethread, NULL, tcpip::receiverThread, this ); tpthread = new ThreadStarter ( 1, tppar ); tpthread->start_processing(); } void tcpip::stop() { // stop receiver thread done = true; // stop TPoverTCP tpthread->stop_processing(); tpthread->abort_processing(true); tpthread->wait_until_stopped(); // unregister TPoverTCP delete QueueManager::instance()->get_queue( message::qaddr_signaling ); QueueManager::instance()->unregister_queue( message::qaddr_signaling ); // destroy QueueManager QueueManager::clear(); // de-initalize netdb and setuid protlib::setuid::end(); protlib::tsdb::end(); // wait for thread to finish and delete pthread_join(tpreceivethread, NULL); } void tcpip::send( const address_v* remote, const uint8_t* data, size_t size ) { // prepare netmsg with length and and port NetMsg* datamsg = new NetMsg(size + 6); datamsg->encode32( size + 2, true ); datamsg->encode16( this->port,true ); for (size_t i=0; iencode8( data[i],true ); // send message tcpip_endpoint endpoint = *remote; appladdress peer = convert(endpoint); // add to output queue tpthread->get_thread_object()->send( datamsg, peer, false ); } void tcpip::send( const endpoint_set& endpoints, const uint8_t* data, size_t size ) { // send a message to each combination of ip-address and port BOOST_FOREACH( const ip_address ip, endpoints.ip ) { BOOST_FOREACH( const tcp_port_address port, endpoints.tcp ) { tcpip_endpoint endpoint(ip,port); address_vf vf = endpoint; send(vf,data,size); } } } void tcpip::terminate( const address_v* remote) { tcpip_endpoint endpoint = *remote; appladdress peer = convert(endpoint); peer.convert_to_ipv6(); tpthread->get_thread_object()->terminate( peer ); } void tcpip::register_listener( transport_listener* listener ) { this->listener = listener; } void* tcpip::receiverThread( void* ptp ) { // get reference to transport object tcpip& tp = *((tcpip*)ptp); // get queue FastQueue* fq = QueueManager::instance()->get_queue(message::qaddr_signaling); // main processing loop tp.running = true; while (!tp.done) { // wait for new message to approach message* msg = fq->dequeue_timedwait(300); // message has arrived? no-> continue if (!msg) continue; // handle transport message TPMsg* tpmsg = dynamic_cast (msg); if (!tpmsg) { delete msg; continue; } // get address & message const appladdress* remote_peer = static_cast( tpmsg->get_peeraddress() ); const appladdress* local_peer = static_cast( tpmsg->get_ownaddress() ); NetMsg* datamsg = tpmsg->get_message(); // not a data message? -> continue! if (!datamsg) { delete tpmsg; continue; } // get length and remote endpoint port datamsg->set_pos(0); uint32_t message_size = datamsg->decode32(true)-2; //uint16_t remote_port = datamsg->decode16(true); // inform listener if (tp.listener != NULL) { tcpip_endpoint remote = convert(remote_peer); tcpip_endpoint local = convert(local_peer); tp.listener->receive_message( &tp, local, remote, datamsg->get_buffer()+6, message_size ); } delete datamsg; delete tpmsg; } // clean queue & stop fq->cleanup(); tp.running = false; return NULL; } }} // namespace ariba::transport