Please see the latest Installation instructions on here: Please see also for further information about Ariba and its application. Prerequisites ============= ariba depends on libraries that may not be installed on your system: * Boost (version >=1.42) * GMP * CMake (version >=2.8) and optionally on * Log4Cxx (version >= 0.10.0) for more sophisticated logging * Avahi for more efficient bootstrapping in local networks * LibBluetooth/Bluez for bluetooth support * Doxygen to build the documentation Furthermore, you need default development tools - that are most likely already installed on your system - such as gcc/g++, libtool, liblt-dev ... Quick Install (If all dependencies are satisfied) ============= ariba currently builds on Linux systems. Our reference platform is Ubuntu 8.04 with the g++ compiler version 4.1. However, latest Ubuntu releases should work too. Download the latest ariba package from the the download site or get the latest trunk code: > svn co ariba-trunk If you downloaded ariba from the website extract the archive and change into the project directory: > tar xfz ./ariba-x.x.x.tar.gz > cd ariba-x.x.x For SVN checkout you have to: > cd ariba-trunk Now create a directory to build ariba in: > mkdir build > cd build Next the makefiles have to be generated and the source compiled: > cmake .. > make HINT: you may use > make -j 2 for a double processor/core system to speed up the compilation, make -j 4 if you have quad-core respectively, and so on. If the compilation stops, try make without the -j option again. And finally ariba will be installed into the system: > make install Custom Build Options ==================== The build may be customized in various ways by setting CMake options. This can be done by giving them as arguments on the command line: > cmake .. -DOPTION=value by using the CMake GUI which lets you set the variables graphically: > cmake-gui .. or running cmake in interactive mode: > cmake -i .. The last two ways also give an overview which options exist. Important options: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Where to install the compiled files. The default on Unix platforms is /usr/local/. If you for example don't want or can't install system wide, you can specify a directory you have control over. The files will be installed to "${prefix}/include/", "${prefix}/lib/" and so on. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - One of "", "Release", "Debug", "RelWithDebInfo" or "MinSizeRel". This influences the build in various ways (e.g. which compiler optimizations are turned on, whether debug symbols are included, what warnings to show). ENABLE_{AVAHI,BLUETOOTH,LOG4CXX} - If set to OFF or 0 (ON is the default) it disables the support of the feature even if the corresponding library (see above) was detected to be present. _INCLUDE_DIR - Where the directory containing the header files for is located. If the library is installed in the usual system paths CMake should be able to automatically find the right location. If the library is located elsewhere (e.g. because you compiled it yourself in your home directory) then you may need to set this variable manually. _LIBRARY - Where the library file (aka the .so, .a or .dll file) for is located. If the library is installed in the usual system paths CMake should be able to automatically find the right location. If the library is located elsewhere (e.g. because you compiled it yourself in your home directory) then you may need to set this variable manually. DOCUMENTATION_GENERATE_GRAPHICS - Whether the documentation should include graphics such as inheritance and include graphs (OFF by default). This might take a long time and consume a lot of space. CMAKE_{C,CXX}_COMPILER - Which C/C++ compiler to use CMAKE_{C,CXX}_FLAGS - Which additional flags to give to the compiler (e.g. -pg for profiling support) Running the PingPong Sample =========================== The PingPong binary pingpong is installed in "${prefix}/lib/ariba/" or found directly in the build tree at "sample/pingpong/pingpong". It has one parameter, a configuration file. You can find sample configuration files in the "etc/pingpong" folder. If no configuration file is given, the node will randomly select its NodeID but will not find other nodes. This is because bootstrap modules are selected in the configuration file. > ./sample/pingpong/pingpong ../etc/pingpong/settings_node1.cnf If this fails to find the libariba you may have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly in your current terminal, or better add it to your .bashrc > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user/ariba/build/source/ariba When running the pingpong application it will output a large number of log messages and the initiator will wait for other nodes to join. You can start them using the configuration files settings_node1.cnf and settings_node2.cnf. You may need to adjust the configurations files: currently both node1 and node2 try to join the initiator on the local machine. This will only work if you start all instances on a local machine. Once the PingPong sample is running and the nodes have connected, each node will send out ping messages to every node he knows in the overlay structure every 5 seconds. You can now e.g. test mobility of Ariba and change the IP address of a node, or swith from LAN connection to WLAN. The links established by the PingPong sample through Ariba are mobility invariant and automatically repaired. Cross-Compiling for Maemo ========================= Ariba runs on Nokia Maemo 4 (tested) and probably Maemo 5. We have tested Ariba on an N810 device. Cross-Compiling is done using Scratchbox. Use the preassembled Scratchbox version provided by Nokia which will install and configure the complete Scratchbox system automatically. If you compile for Maemo you have to set the HAVE_MAEMO option in CMake. Internally there are a number of special cases where handling on Maemo is different from normal Linux. If you require special handling, do the following in your code: #include "ariba/config.h" ... #ifdef HAVE_MAEMO // special Maemo handling #endif