Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3 Nightly build tests new stud-ferdaus task minor
#13 Implement proper link establishment and maintaince protocol new mies task major Release of 0.5.0
#18 Windows port with mingwin/cygwin new somebody task minor
#19 Create scripts to deploy software inside PlanetLab + G-Lab new somebody task minor
#2 Inefficient Timer Class new stud-veber enhancement minor
#10 Port simulation support for OMNet++ 4.0 new somebody enhancement minor
#11 Port simulation support for OverSim new somebody enhancement minor
#12 Imlement DHT service above BaseOverlay new mies enhancement minor Release of 0.5.0
#17 State automatas and error handling new somebody enhancement minor
#22 Email Notification using Trac new somebody enhancement minor
#32 Use Boost.StateChart for all protocols new somebody enhancement minor
#33 Create test environment using Boost.Test new stud-veber enhancement major
#34 Java Interface for Ariba new stud-heetfeld enhancement minor
#43 Add application layer buffers to increase robustness during mobility new mies enhancement major
#1 Compiler Optimization flags not turned off in debug mode new somebody defect major
#29 How is default port determined if not given in config? new somebody defect major
#63 Refactor Base Overlay assigned Christoph Mayer defect major Release of 0.5.0
#66 Ariba Interface Threading auto handling assigned Christoph Mayer defect major Release of 0.5.0
#67 Fix memory leaks and valgrind cleaner assigned Christoph Mayer defect major Release of 0.5.0
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.