= Ariba Features = Ariba eases development and rapid prototyping of overlay-based services and applications. To this end, it provides mechanisms for creation and maintenance of overlay links across heterogeneous networks. Furthermore, it supports simulation and of Ariba-based services and applications without changing the code. The main features of Ariba include: * '''Node indentificators''': Ariba provides a naming mechanism that uses consistent identificators instead of locators for specifying the target of a link. * '''Requirement driven protocol selection''': Ariba allows for specifying QoS- and security requirements for each link. Based on the requirements, Ariba transparently selects appropriate transport protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP) and security mechanisms (e.g., TLS, IPSec). * '''Support for heterogeneity on layer 3''': Ariba transparently establish connections between different layer 3 technologies (e.g., IPv4 and IPv6) and to private address spaces (e.g., due to NAT). * '''Mobility''': In case of locator changes due to handovers, Ariba will transparently reestablish connectivity without affecting services and applications. * '''Multihoming''': In case of multihomed nodes, Ariba transparently selects appropriate locators for link establishment and selects alternative locators in case of locator failures. * '''Simulation support''': Ariba-based applications can be evaluated using the [http://www.omnetpp.org/ Omnet++ Discrete Event Simulation System] without changing the code.