30 | | Now, configure, compile, and install ariba (if not all libraries needed by Ariba are available on your system, read the section 'Prequisites'). If no {{{configure}}} script is available (e.g. when you checked out an svn version), run the {{{./bootstrap}}} script first.: |
| 30 | Alternatively, you could try to use the latest development code from our SVN trunk: |
| 31 | {{{ |
| 32 | > svn co https://svn.tm.kit.edu/SpoVNet-KA/entwicklung/ariba/trunk ariba-trunk |
| 33 | > cd ariba-trunk |
| 34 | }}} |
| 35 | |
| 36 | Now, configure, compile, and install ariba (if not all libraries needed by Ariba are available on your system, read the section 'Prequisites'). If no {{{configure}}} script is available (e.g., when you checked out an SVN version), run the {{{./bootstrap}}} script first.: |