== '''Ariba 0.9.x Series''' == The ariba 0.9.x development branch brings great performance and stability improvements at cost of backward compatibility. It contains optimizations on the binary level, also some prior design descisions have been reconsidered to provide easier, faster and less error-prone interfaces. Therefore the new ariba 0.9.x series is not compatible with prior ariba version; not in terms of network connectivity, also most applications won't compile without some modifications. The latter is especially due the introduction of a new configuration format (using json or xml) and a cleaner interface to startup ariba in the application. Also bluetooth and the bootstrap modules have not been ported to some new internal interfaces, yet and can't be used at the moment. ''Please note that the ariba documentation on this site still refers to the old ariba 0.8.x series. In order to work with the new ariba 0.9.x series, please consider the interface changes presented on this page.'' === ''' Changelog ''' === A brief list of changes between ariba 0.8.x and 0.9.x: improvements: - new message classes (reboost, zero-copy) - "fast path" for direct links (skip overlay layer) - link-properties accessible from the application - System-Queue can call boost::bind functions - protlib compatibility removed (32bit overhead saved in every message) - addressing2, (a new interface for ip-/bluetooth addresses) - Address-Discovery discoveres only addresses on which we're actually listening - ariba serialization usage reduced (sill used in OverlayMsg) - Node::connect, easier and cleaner interface to start-up ariba from the application - ariba configs via JSON, XML, etc (boost::property_tree) - keep-alive overhead greatly reduced - (relayed) overlay links can actually be closed now - lost messages are detected in most cases - notification to the application when link is transformed into direct-link - overlay routing: send message to second best hop if it would be dropped otherwise - Sequence-Numbers (only mechanisms so far: upward compatibility) - various small fixes regressions: - bluetooth is not yet working again - bootstrap modules deactivated - liblog4xx is not working (use cout-logging) == Using ariba 0.9.x == To get to code, please check out the latest trunk version from our svn: [https://i72projekte.tm.uka.de/SpoVNet-KA/entwicklung/ariba/trunk Ariba-SVN] === Configuration format === Ariba 0.9.x uses a new configuration format, based in boost::property_tree. Hence you can use the JSON format to store ariba configs. Other formats (e.g. XML) are supported, too. Please refor to the documentation: [http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/doc/html/property_tree.html Boost.PropertyTree] '''Example configuration file''' {{{ //JSON { "ariba": { "node_name": "Node1", "spovnet_name": "pingpong", "listen_on": [ {"category": "TCPIP", "addr": "::", "port": 5000 } ], "bootstrap": { "direct": [ {"category": "TCPIP", "addr": "", "port": 41322 } ], } } } }}} - As in earlier ariba versions the ''node_name'' and the ''spovnet_name'' can be specified. Please keep in mind that node names must be unique and all nodes must use the same spovnet name in order to communicate. - ''listen_on'' describes an array of local addresses, on which ariba will listen. - Since bluetooth is currently disabled, `category` must be `TCPIP` - `addr` can either be an ipv4 or ipv6 address ("::" is the ipv6 any-address) - a port can be specified, if port 0 is given, ariba will try to find a usable port (starting with port 41322) - ''bootstrap'' defines the bootstrap hints, the nodes ariba tries to connect in order to join the spovnet - Since the bootstrap modules are currently disabled, only direct bootstrapping is available - ''direct'' describes an array of remote endpoints ariba tries to connect to (same syntax as the `listen_on` field) Note that all ariba related config is stored in a field named `ariba`. The same JSON file can be used to store application specific config data as well. === Ping-pong example === The ping-pong code in the SVN trunk differs from the detailed explanation in the wiki. Especially the new config format (see above) and `Node::connect`, the new easy and clean interface to start-up ariba (see below) is used. Please note that the ping-pong example still uses the old deprecated ariba messages (see next section "Message formats" for more information). === Message formats ===