16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-logging fix, -sdp fix, -endpoint operator fix, -endpoint aufräumen
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
sideport und sdp bootstrap
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
sideport und sdp bootstrap
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
merge from bootstrap branch
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
16 years |
mies |
+ added new transport modules and adapted ariba to them
+ exchange …
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
basti relay fix
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
begin merge back from relay branch
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
huebsch |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
bootstrapping ausgeschalten
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
isrunning function für timer
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
ungleichsoperator in endpoint descriptor
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-is started function
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-is started function
16 years |
stud-florian |
Fixed some minor things
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
huebsch |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
huebsch |
-bootstrap und ablauf
16 years |
huebsch |
-bootstrap und ablauf
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-bootstrap fixing und ablauf
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-bootstrap fixing und ablauf
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
huebsch |
bootstrap testing
16 years |
stud-florian |
The attribute stuff in BluetoothSdp should be working now.
16 years |
stud-florian |
16 years |
stud-florian |
16 years |
huebsch |
ping pong bootstrap test
16 years |
stud-florian |
Added attribute things
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
huebsch |
-error handling
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
bootstrap test
16 years |
stud-florian |
Fixed a few minor things, bluetooth compiles again (but still not tested).
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
gcc 4 fixes
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
bluetooth zeugs leicht gefixt
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
ipv4 periodic broadcast
16 years |
stud-florian |
Implemented most SDP stuff, but didn't test it.
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
periodic bootstrap vervollständigt
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
erste version für periodic broadcasting für ipv6 und ipv6
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-mehr stuff für periodic broadcast
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-neues bootstrap module für dumme periodische broadcasts
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
avahi fehler logging
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
avahi fehler logging
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-dateien für bluetooth sdp
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
bootstrap ablauf fixes und avahi fixes
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
weiterer ablauf bootstrapping
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
einige avahi fixes und ablauf
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
timer fix
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
timer reset function
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
avahi optional
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
avahi optional
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
avahi paar sachen gefixt, initiale tests mit poolrechnern klappen
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
sideport protocol information
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
relay infos
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-integrated avahi and a bootstrap manager and stuff (still not …
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
-minor changes
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
system queue fixing
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
locking für enter method neu
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
locking für enter method neu
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
locking für enter method neu
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
locking für enter method neu
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
locking für enter method neu
16 years |
Christoph Mayer |
locking für enter method neu